Losing Weight Without Sacrifices (or work!)...
Our Supervised, Holistic Medical Loss program is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to lose weight, gain energy and actually feel great!

Littleton CO & South Denver Weight Loss
Discover Our EASY and Sustainable Medical Weight Loss Program
Embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more confident (and LEAN) you with our medically-supervised weight loss program. Our dedicated team of medical professionals here in the Denver area tailor a weight loss plan to your unique needs, ensuring safe and effective results.
Our medical staff are recognized for their personalized approach and outstanding results. With a team of experienced professionals by your side, we ensure a journey that's as rewarding as the outcome. Lean-up with our Denver-area weight loss program.
With medically-supervised weight loss, our programs encompass nutritional guidance, medical consultation, and ongoing support to help you attain sustainable weight loss and promote lifelong healthy habits.
Results may vary between individuals, however many realize remarkable results with our program. Some report an average weight loss of 5-9 lbs per week, and 20-30 lbs per month. Your journey towards a healthier you is within reach.
How Much Can You Lose?
What You Need to Know Before Getting Started
Getting started on a weight loss journey requires not only understanding, but a good plan. Our initial consultation provides a comprehensive overview, setting a clear roadmap towards your weight loss goals.
With this knowledge and support, it is much easier to stay on course. With the Ultimate Health team behind you, your weight loss goals are within reach!
We serve the greater Littleton and South Denver area. Let us help you get started to a new you!
Dr. Jason Leavitt, DC
Clinical Director
What Is Our Littleton CO Medical Weight Loss Program?
Our Successful Program Includes:
Our program integrates medical supervision, nutritional education, and behavior modification to ensure lasting weight loss. With personalized medical plans, we address the root causes of your weight gain, guiding you towards a healthier lifestyle​.
Learn all about our proven novel weight loss approach, discover your goals, answer any questions...then decide to begin the 'loss'.
After a detailed health profile is complied for you, our medical team designs your exact treatment plan to reset the body. This is the start of your masterplan for long-term results.
Gain insightful nutritional advice and learn healthful habits that empower you to maintain your weight loss, improve energy levels, and enhance overall wellness.
Equip yourself with the knowhow & tools for self-management to ensure sustained results. We'll cover medication management, exercise routines, and healthy lifestyle practices.
Experience the convenience of having your personalized medication delivered to your doorstep. Our medical team monitors and adjusts your treatment plan, ensuring optimal results.
Stay connected with our medical team through weekly telehealth visits, ensuring a supportive and guided journey towards your weight loss goals.
Ready to Lose the Weight?
Jumpstart your journey towards a healthier, more lean YOU with our medically supervised weight loss program.
Our cutting-edge program is designed to ensure a seamless transition towards healthy habits and effective weight loss. Under the skilled guidance of our Nurse Practitioner and medical staff, you’ll navigate through each phase of the program with personalized support, helping you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.
Here’s a glimpse into the features of our program:
👩‍⚕️ Initial Medical Exam with Nurse Practitioner: A thorough evaluation to understand your health status and tailor a weight loss plan that aligns with your unique needs.
🧠 Includes Health Coaching and Mindset Coaching: Cultivate a positive outlook and acquire essential knowledge to make informed health choices throughout your weight loss journey.
💊 16-week supply of Semaglutide (if qualified): A medication to regulate your appetite and enhance weight loss, provided upon qualification.
📅 Weekly Virtual or In-person Follow-ups with NP for the first month: Regular check-ins to monitor your progress, address concerns, and adjust your plan as needed.
🗓️ Monthly Virtual or In-person Follow-ups with NP for the remaining 3 months: Continued support and guidance to ensure you’re on track towards achieving your weight loss goals.
💉 Weekly Lipo Lean IM Injection Included (must make an in-office appointment): Aids in fat reduction and boosts energy levels, administered during in-office visits.
🔄 Maintenance Options Available (if qualified): Tailored plans to help you maintain your achieved weight loss and continue practicing healthy habits.
Your path towards a healthier, leaner life is just a virtual consultation away. Schedule your virtual consultation today and learn more about our personalized care, professional support, and effective weight loss solution to bring you closer to your ideal image of yourself.

Let's Meet for 15 Minutes to Learn More About Your Goals
Schedule a FREE 15 minute meet-up (virtual) with our medical provider Kresha.
Discover more about our program and get any questions you have answered:
Stop wishing to lose weight and take action to change your fate.
Meet Our Team
Your Medical Weight Loss Team
Clinic Director
Program Developer
Program Consultant
Medical Program Oversight
Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumb bell; it starts in your head with a decision.
- Toni Sorenson -
Mostly Asked Questions
Ultimate Health Medical is here to support you in your weight loss goals. Here are some of the commonly asked questions we get.
How is medically supervised weight loss different than just going on a diet by myself?
Medically supervised weight loss is a structured program managed by healthcare professionals which includes a comprehensive approach to weight loss and overall health improvement. Unlike going on a diet by yourself, this program provides you with personalized guidance based on a thorough evaluation which includes a physical examination and laboratory work to uncover any undiagnosed reasons for weight gain. With the support of a multi-disciplinary team, including a dietitian and a nurse practitioner, you'll receive a structured nutrition plan, group classes focusing on nutrition education and lifestyle modifications, and ongoing support to ensure long-term success in achieving your weight loss goals.
How do I qualify for medically-supervised weight loss?
Qualification for medically supervised weight loss programs is typically based on several factors including your current weight and the presence of any comorbidities such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or sleep apnea. Generally, individuals who are 20 pounds or more overweight are considered eligible. Other factors like your commitment to making lifestyle changes and following the program's guidelines also play a crucial role in qualification.

What happens after I reach my weight loss goals in a medically supervised program?
After reaching your weight loss goals in a medically supervised program, the focus often shifts to maintaining your achieved weight loss and promoting long-term healthy habits. The program may provide ongoing support, education, and monitoring to ensure you continue to practice healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and other lifestyle modifications necessary for sustained weight loss. Transitioning to a maintenance plan with less frequent check-ins but continued support helps to foster lasting success and a healthier lifestyle.

Can medically supervised weight loss help with other health conditions?
Yes, medically supervised weight loss can help manage or improve various health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea among others. By achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, you can significantly improve your cardiovascular health, blood sugar control, and overall quality of life. The personalized guidance and support from the medical team can also help you adopt a healthier lifestyle, which contributes to better management of these conditions.
How is progress monitored in medically supervised weight loss programs?
Progress in medically supervised weight loss programs is monitored through regular appointments with healthcare professionals, tracking of weight loss, and assessment of changes in body composition and metabolic parameters. Additionally, the program may utilize laboratory tests, physical examinations, and other diagnostic tools to evaluate your health status and adjust your treatment plan as necessary to ensure continued progress towards your goals.
What type of diet is recommended in medically supervised weight loss programs?
The diet recommended in a medically supervised weight loss program is often a balanced, whole foods-based diet tailored to your individual nutritional needs, medical conditions, and weight loss goals. Registered dietitians within the program will work with you to create a personalized nutrition plan, educate you on healthy eating habits, and provide guidance on making sustainable dietary changes to support long-term weight loss.

We welcome you to explore the Ultimate Health Medical WEIGHT LOSS program. Our cutting-edge program is medically-supervised to ensure you get the results you need-and-want, safely and quickly!