Chiropractic for Pregnancy in Littleton CO

Pregnancy-related physical stress might cause severe pain. Women frequently see a Littleton CO chiropractor for low back discomfort, sciatica, leg cramps, and constipation. This could cause problems with regular duties and work.
Chiropractic care for pregnant women in Littleton CO can provide excellent back pain alleviation. Many women report that receiving chiropractic care made delivery simpler. The following article explores the causes of pregnancy-related pain and how chiropractic care might assist.
The body of a pregnant woman alters to accommodate the developing baby. As the baby grows, the mother's center of gravity slips forward, causing stress and discomfort in the lower back and pelvic joints. The lordotic curve (lower back curvature) can become so severe during pregnancy that it affects the vertebral joints, sacrum, and hip joints.
The spine is the genesis of all other nerves. When the spine is compressed, the nerves get inflamed, causing pain to radiate outward to the extremities. Sciatica is a disorder that causes pain to radiate from the lower back down the legs.
Pregnancy typically exacerbates prior spinal alignment issues and lower back difficulties. Pregnancy can cause the spine to become crooked, preventing it from returning to normal after the pregnancy. This can make actions like holding a baby on your front or back, breastfeeding, and bending over to pick items up unpleasant.
Chiropractic therapy is safe and beneficial throughout pregnancy and after. Discomfort during pregnancy and labor might be relieved by a thorough checkup. Pregnancy-specific adjustments are available. These methods may help lessen the need for pain medication and labor time. After-pregnancy therapies can help realign the body and speed up the transition to a healthy post-pregnancy physique.
Call Ultimate Health Medical Clinic now to learn more about how chiropractic may benefit you throughout your pregnancy. We are happy to help you.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Ultimate Health Medical Clinic
7735 W Long Dr Unit 12
Littleton, CO 80123