Lower back pain is a frequent source of discomfort and, for many people, severely physically limiting. If you have lower back pain that’s reducing your quality of life, Dr. Jason Leavitt and the team at Ultimate Health Medical Clinic in Littleton, Colorado, can provide effective therapies to help you live a more active, enjoyable life. Book your appointment today by calling the practice at (303) 904-0331, or use the online tool to schedule a FREE consultation.

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What causes lower back pain?

There are many causes for lower back pain, most of which involve some kind of musculoskeletal injury or degeneration.

Acute lower back pain is often due to strained muscles or other soft tissue injuries. These typically cause an instant flare of pain at the moment the soft tissue overstretches or tears.

These types of injuries can be caused by using unsafe lifting techniques, poor posture, overexertion, or moving awkwardly.

Other problems that cause lower back pain include:

  • Falls and accidents
  • Arthritis
  • Ruptured or herniated spinal discs
  • Scoliosis (curved spine)
  • Osteoporosis (brittle bones)
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine)
  • Osteophytes (bone spurs)

Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis cause chronic back pain, but acute injuries can also lead to chronic pain developing if they’re left untreated.

How is lower back pain treated?

If your lower back pain is severe, mild pain doesn’t clear up within a few days, or you have chronic back pain, you should visit Ultimate Health Medical Clinic to find out what’s wrong. They specialize in:

Our Littleton chiropractic office also offers regenerative therapy as another therapeutic approach to treating injuries and relieving certain cases of lower back pain without prescribing medicine or surgery. A consultation with Ultimate Health Medical Clinic can help determine which solution is right for you.

How can I prevent lower back pain?

The best way to prevent lower back pain is to look after your back. Regular wellness chiropractic care and exercise are essential to keep your spine flexible and strengthen the surrounding muscles. We also recommend doing regular core strengthening exercises, so you use your abdominal muscles rather than letting your back take the strain.

Bad habits like slumping can cause back pain, and if you’re overweight, that puts extra strain on your back, so thinking about correct posture and maintaining a healthy weight are good ways to ease the strain on your back. Learn how to lift safely, and don’t overstretch or overexert yourself by going beyond your limits. Read these tips for proper posture working from home and how to avoid pandemic posture problems.

For the prompt and effective resolution of lower back pain, call Ultimate Health Medical Clinic today, or book an appointment online. If you are feeling intense pain, we have walk-in appointments available and offer emergency chiropractic services in Littleton as well.